Tuesday, January 20, 2009

NM...uh Tuesday


I did not ditch my computer yesterday in favor for a TWO HOUR NAP when I suddenly realized all 3 of my lil monkeys had fallen asleep in the afternoon at precisely the same time. It's like a meteor shower..doesn't happen every day, so when it does, you have to do what's necessary to enjoy the historical moment!! (Thus a NMM Tuesday edition...my love for you, my chocolates, is still unwavering, have no fear. )


I was not feeling extremely proud of my Montessorri-esque 3 year old when I walked into the bathroom to see 4 of my make-up pads all lined up nicely on the towel rack. My glow did not disappear when I reached to grab one and realized they were white GLUED to the towel rack.


I was not on the phone, bragging to my friend about how well baby L ate his jar of peas/carrots, when he subsequently puked what I would only guess is the entire contents of said jar all over...well...everything. AND because I was wearing my new black shirt, the one I wanted to wear to a birthday party that day, I did not just smear & wipe off the clumps of pea puke balls, and then febreze the whole darn thing, followed by several perfume squirts to mask the smell...and wear it anyways. I would never do that.Photobucket

I did not do a 150 picture photo shoot with my babies, only to discover that the memory card was not exactly IN the camera. More sleep. I swear that solves everything, including world peace. At least I got to redo my shoot today WITH the card in place, this being one of my favorite results.


I did not think I had finally lost the last of my marbles when I looked in the cutlery drawer and the dishwasher to find a plastic spoon, and not ONE was to be seen. Did they all finally just decide they had HAD IT at my house and run away with the dish and the cow who jumped over the moon? Good thing I have a super smart daughter who knows how to make spoon traps! Those escapees couldn't get far with Queen S on the case!




Anonymous said...

Love it-glue holds everything down! LOL-really out loud!

Anonymous said...

u are so cute !!!! i love it !! and i hav done the whole wipe and febreze thing hahah cuz i was just too tired to change lol... and look at ur budding little artist and investigator and ive totally done the whole "no card" photoshoot ! hahah must be a mom thing