Friday, November 21, 2008

This just in....

SO HELLO!!!!!!
I am Perez, Becky's personal assistant.
I am here to inform you that at this time, Becky is *ahem* not getting all glammed up for the much anticipated, to be spectacular, NKOTB concert this evening. (That she is not going to.) To ensure that every last crimpped piece of hair is in place and every florescent rubber bracelet is adjusted, she will sadly, not be with us here in the bloggisphere today. She WILL, however, be back in the office tomorrow, to recap the sheer brilliance on the night and of course, give you a belated FLYDAY quiz!!
By the way, she won't shut UP about how funny your comments have been for the photo caption contest, both in the comments section and the ones recieved by email. You ladies are just FABULOUS! Have a stellar day darlings!
Ta ta for now,
I'm outtie.

1 comment:

Skyla Bradley said...

Fabulous! I love it!

You better post some pics of your 'un-glammed'up self!!!